Ultra Pest Control

Mistake #1: Thinking Pest Control Services are pest control servicesnot important in Schools:

 Schools today cannot function as mere temples of knowledge. Schools authorities have to pay attention to Developing the school as a preferred institution and keep a keen eye on the finances and profits as in any other business. The last thingy any school wants is to have its name splashed over all the newspapers for the wrong reasons.

Parents trust that the school will look after their children and ensure their safety at all times while the children are on the school premises.Pests can seriously harm children’s health in multiple ways. Please  read the section “interesting Facts” to find out more. Cockroaches are known to trigger severe allergies in many people. They also carry several diseases that they transmit to humans (dysentery, typhoid and poliomyelitis, as well as gastroenteritis). They are also an established trigger of asthma attacks. 

Human can contract diseases like LeptospirosisHantavirus Pulmonary SyndromeEosinophilic Meningitis, Rickettsialpox by coming into contact with rats of their droppings. Malaria, Dengue and Chikungunya are caused by mosquito bites and of these, the dengue mosquitoes bite in the day clean, you should have them in your premises. The dengue –carrying mosquitoes  breed in stagnant water. This means that flower pots, garbage cans, aquariums, unused swimming pools, ponds, tires and other piles are potential breeding grounds for mosquitoes, especially after the rains fill them with water. 

The killer mosquito’s favored breeding spots include concrete roofing, gutters, water tanks, swimming pools, ponds, drains, ornamental vases and figurines, plants that hold water, empty containers and shells.

Mistake #2 : Taking the Cheapest Service Available :

By selecting a mom & pop pest control company round the corner, who gives you pest control service at a lower cost, you are risking your life and your students health and their lives. In 2012, in Mumbai, two cousins lost their lives after their house was treated by a pest control company with unauthorized dangerous chemicals. The story did the rounds in newspapers for many days. Its unfortunate that people opt for the cheapest Pest control service provider without thinking how dearly it can cost them.

Mistake #3 : Not Choosing the right package :

Ask what pests are covered by the treatment package you are opting for. Just as you can’t cure a cold with medicines for loose ,motions, if you opt for treatment that does not deal with the problem your are facing, your problem will continue irrespective of the number of treatments you conduct. For example if you get a general treatment package when you are having a rat problem, the chemicals will target cockroaches, silverfish and ants, and the methodology used in very different, so while you may ensure that your school is free of these pests, it may non-stop the rats from enjoying your hospitality. Get the right treatment for your specific situation.

Mistake #4 : Not Checking for convenient service timings :

As a school, you will prefer to have treatments carried out of Sundays. Many Pest Control Companies do not offer services over the weekend. Ask your pest control if they  provide service on weekends and after school hours on week days. This can save you lot of trouble in terms of disrupted classes.

Mistake #5 : Not checking whether the company has the required man power :

Many one man show companies make a cheap bid and then hire staff after they have received the contract amount. This means learn by the mistakes they make on your property. They will not present the kind of Professional picture that will justify your giving the contract to them.

Mistake #6 : Not asking if they have the required licenses :

All Pest Control Companies need a license from the agricultural department to store their chemicals. This helps to maintain a check that they are using chemicals that are safe around humans and not using any harmful agricultural pesticides in schools and offices as those are only supposed to be used in farm and fields.

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